5 Habits of Truly Happy People
Are you tired of the Trophy Life?
Are you maxed out and tired? Has your pursuit of the trophy life left you feeling dissatisfied, hopeless, and alone?
I have good news for you! You were made to live a better story… You were made to live the good life.
To understand this better story, we need to go all the way back to the beginning. When God created humanity He said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image,’ and when he was done with this miraculously creative work he said it was ‘very good.’ Did you know that the beginning of this story has astonishing implications for your life today? Every human being, you, me, everyone, we were all made to enjoy the good life – we were made to be with God and like God.
But what’s keeping you from the Good Life?
Unfortunately, we have a problem… we’ve believed a lie. All of humanity, you, me, everyone, turned away from God and exchanged the good life for the pursuit of the trophy life. You know what I mean… what’s the one thing that you’re willing spend all that you are to acquire – the job, the relationship, the kids, the bank account, the car, the [fill-in-the-blank] – so you can point to it to remind everybody and yourself that ‘you’re o.k.’ The Bible calls this exchange sin. I believed this age-old lie for a significant portion of my life, and in many ways, continue to fight against this lie every single day. And let me tell you, fighting this fight by myself was exhausting, hopeless, and lonely. Have you felt this way?
You don’t have to fight for the Good Life alone anymore.
Thankfully, Jesus was sent by his Father to show and share, through his victorious life, death, resurrection, and ascension what it means to truly live as a human being. He made a way to be with God and like God – he made the good life possible again. And he didn’t stop there, Jesus created an extended family, the church, to enjoy his good news by showing and sharing with everyone that he’s already won the fight against sin and that the good life is in fact possible here and now.
Enjoy the Good Life: 5 Habits of Truly Happy People
But maybe you’re not so sure about all of this Jesus and Bible stuff… that’s o.k. You see, human beings are interesting creatures, oftentimes not believing truth until we’ve experienced it. So, my challenge to you is this…
Prayerfully engage the following 5 practices for 90 days.
Don’t overcomplicate it, just ask Jesus to guide and teach you as you practice. And like anything else, the more frequently and intentionally you engage these simple behaviors the more you’ll enjoy the good life God designed you for.
I promise you, if you intentionally seek to embody these simple practices for 90 days you will never be the same.
And know this – it won’t be easy, but it will be good.
Bless at least 3 people every single week through words, gifts, quality time, or actions. You’ve been blessed with the good life in Jesus and have inherited the family business of freely giving that blessing away. And since you were made in the image of the self-giving God, something deep inside you will spring to life each time you engage self-giving behavior in the blessing of others. Prayerfully ask God to direct you regarding who and how to bless others each week.
Share at least 3 meals every single week with people within and beyond your immediate circle of family and friends. Meals are a daily reminder of our common need for God’s faithfulness to provide for us both physically and spiritually. Jesus called us to remember him and his sacrifice for us through a meal, so when we eat together we’re actually communing around the truth of his very good life. Not sure what to talk about while eating? Start by sharing what you’re grateful for.
Spend focused time each week learning about God’s better story through the Bible. Not sure where to start? Check out the amazing App ReadScripture and start where all good stories begin… at the beginning. Invest your in-between times by remembering, reflecting upon, rehearsing, and reciting this story to yourself and others. Take time to listen to others and help them discover where their stories intersect with God’s better story.
Set aside regular times each week to listen to God in silence and solitude. Jesus listened to God in prayer to know what his Father wanted him to do and say. We are also called to listen to God. Two sets of questions will revolutionize your prayer life:1) God, where are you at work and how can I partner with you in it? and 2) God, how have I partnered with you and how have I resisted you this week?
Make time each week to remember and celebrate milestones on your good life journey, expressing gratitude for the progress you’ve made and prayerfully chronicling the specific areas in your life where you need to experience Jesus’ power and freedom.
Dear friend, you were made for so much more, don’t settle for the trophy life. Begin enjoying true satisfaction, hope, and relational connection – Step into the good life with Jesus today!
With gratitude,
Aron McKay
Pastor, theTable Church
- (949) 444-2661
- aron@theTableSC.org
P.S. If you’re looking for a community to help guide you through a simple 3 step process so you can start enjoying your good life, I would strongly encourage you to check out one of our mid-week workshop gatherings.