Project Description
You’ve met your end. You have done nothing, yet you find yourself filled. This is the wonder of Lent!
As we have followed the self-empting steps of Christ through the desert, each day one step closer to the celebration of Easter, we’ve discovered the contours of our soul deepened, beautified… simultaneously more glorious and light.
Yet, when I’m in this wondrous place of emptied fulfillment I oftentimes find myself perplexed by the same question: Why am I drawn to match the frenetic pace of our culture again and again? It’s as if I believe that each wild movement of productivity justifies my right to enter the rest of God. But if the desert has taught us anything it’s this – our right to rest was purchased by the completed work of Jesus.
Where we and the first Adam have failed to resist temptation the new and better Adam, Jesus, declares victory.
To be truly productive we must first rest in the completed work of Jesus.
Today’s Lenten invitation – identify one ‘productive’ thing that you have scheduled to get done today and intentionally forgo doing it. Instead, use that time to prayerfully rest in the completed work of Christ.
reflect > repent > receive > REST…
With the final morsel of fish placed in your mouth you contentedly tuck in closer to the fire for warmth. Abruptly and in one motion Jesus leans in and excitedly whispers ‘follow me’ as he dashes behind you out of sight onto a well-worn path. You struggle to keep pace.
Further up and further in Jesus begins to unfold his post-desert plans – plans to make all things new. Your mind races with the details… the plan was too big, too bold, too beautiful. Could it be possible?
‘It’s true,’ Jesus says as you bump into him, not having realized he stopped. ‘It’s true, but first… we rest,’ as he motions for you to sit.
‘R-rest… there’s too much to do to rest,’ you reply.
‘There’s too much not to! In the same way I was sent so now I’m sending you… first, we rest.’