Project Description

The 9th day of Lent finds us continuing our journey through the hallways of Jesus’ humanity, and with each step we find ourselves picking up mass.

Our culture would have us believe that the pursuits of faith and reason cannot be reconciled – Either one must pursue reason or faith… one cannot do both.

Jesus demonstrated a glorious third way, his belief and reason operating in harmony to creatively reveal new vistas of God’s nature and beauty.

You see, how we use our mind is a matter of worship…

As we seek to more consistently, clearly and creatively reason we more worshipfully image forth the infinite and beautiful reason of our Creator.

Don’t allow the narrative of our culture to dictate how you worshipfully engage your mind.

Enter the faith-filled AND reasoning chorus – Join Jesus and countless saints using their minds to worshipfully expand our view of God’s beauty.  As you faithfully reason, you’ll discover yourself more fully you.


reflect > REPENT > receive > rest > request > rehearse > recount

Slow your pace, ask the Spirit assess how you’re using your mind…

Are you ‘Loving the Lord your God with all of your mind?”

What’s dominating the landscape of your thought life? Is your mind stimulated? Are you being challenged to learn new things and creatively communicate them? Or is your mind laying dormant, it’s potential atrophied?

Relationally, are you using your mind to alienate and abuse those around you, or are you creatively reconciling and inspiring others towards life?

What about your mental engagement of God’s Word….  is it a growing mountain range or withering valley?

Express gratitude for the ways God has made your mind, identify and repent of any ways you’re failing to faithfully use your mind.


Read More: Jesus creatively tells truth