Project Description
reflect > repent > receive > rest > request > REHEARSE > recount
Throughout history our cultural heroes demonstrate again and again that the stage of success isn’t something you stumble into. Whether it be the arts, sports, science or economics… their mastery of mission is birthed from the sweat and tears of thousands upon thousands of hours of rehearsal.
Yet, our modern culture insists that the value of creative ‘authenticity’ is somehow at odds with practice…
Were Michelangelo, Michael Jordan, Michael Faraday or Michael Porter somehow less authentically themselves because they rehearsed? I would argue the opposite. These masters were freed to articulate themselves with creative virtuosity precisely because their rehearsed dedication.
As history has taught us, we will never successfully stumble into our co-mission of making disciples.
Do you want to experience the creative freedom of to share your holistic story of redemption, reconciliation and restoration? Today, I invite you to silence technology for a set period of time. During this period, whether it bet 15 minutes or an hour, find a seasoned storyteller in your life, someone you respect, and ask them to share with you how they approach telling their kingdom story. And then, using their approach, rehearse your story of increasing holiness again, and again, and again.