Project Description

reflect > repent > receive > rest > request > rehearse > RECOUNT

Today our weekly Lenten rhythm finds us at the fruit bearing end of the Gospel. We’ve followed Jesus into the desert. Along the way our minds, our emotions and our actions have been more closely unified in our pursuit to reflect Jesus. The Gospel fruit? We find ourselves feeling more human, more whole, more free.
Throw some Biblical shade – Invite someone to rest in your presence.
This afternoon or evening, as you share coffee or a meal with one of the people you have been praying for these last two days, actively make yourself completely available to them both mentally and emotionally.
Ask them where they’re experiencing joy? Where are they experiencing anxiety/worry? As you listen, pray that the Spirit would identify and restore areas of their mind, heart and will. Don’t seek to give advice, direct, or guide… only listen and silently pray. At the close of your time ask them if you can pray a blessing over them… pray as the Spirit leads.