Project Description

reflect > repent > receive > REST > request > rehearse > recount

This week’s journey of Lent has allowed us to reflect, repent and receive the compassion of Christ through the parable of Good Samaritan. As you’ve processed the story, perhaps you identified more with the man who was robbed and left for dead on the side of the road.

Indeed, there are a great many parallels between the Samaritan and the Jesus himself.

READ AGAIN : Luke 10:25-37 – The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Make space to silently engage the text today. As you read again, ask the Spirit to invite you into the story… imagine yourself as the man being cared for as Jesus gently uses wine and oil to nurse you back to health. Where does Jesus focus his healing efforts? Your mind, your emotions… your habits of being? Make note of any details and ask the Spirit to reveal if he has any next steps for you.

Rest in Jesus’ life-giving presence… he is committed to restoring you to full health.

Don’t ask, ‘who is my neighbor?’ Ask, ‘whose neighbor am I?’