Project Description

reflect > repent > receive > rest > request > REHEARSE > recount

The practice of neighboring takes, well – practice. We won’t just wake up one morning with our hearts tuned to compassionately reach out in reconciliation.

Most mornings I wake up thinking about my calendar, my to do list, my family,  my health, my future… my, my, my. We must, through holy repetition, discipline our souls to habitually hunger for the nearness and wholeness of others.

Remember, this is not some half-hearted pursuit to wholly abandon self. You are an image-bearer of the self-giving God. As you whole-heartedly give yourself away you are running headlong into your humanity. With each rehearsed movement of reconciliation your technicolor future of joy unfolds before you.

READ AGAIN : Luke 10:25-37 – The Parable of the Good Samaritan

As you move through your day intentionally carve out some space to rehearse your movements of reconciliation. With the people you prayed for yesterday in mind, what will you do or say to compassionately invite in the ‘other’ closer into relationship? Prayerfully run through it in your head, write it out, process it aloud with a trusted friend over coffee or the phone.

Don’t ask, “Who is my neighbor?” Ask, “Whose neighbor am I?”