Project Description

reflect > repent > receive > rest > request > rehearse > RECOUNT

I pray the morning has greeted you with purpose and hope, because today you have been purposed to bring the hope of reconcillation.

Remember your story of redemption, reconciliation and restoration. Give thanks.

READ AGAIN : Luke 10:25-37 – The Parable of the Good Samaritan

As you move through the normal rhythms of your morning be sure to reach out to the person/persons you have been praying for over the last two days. Schedule a coffee, lunch/dinner or the specific activity that came to mind for this afternoon/evening. When you come together recount – Give thanks for your story and invite them to participate with you in gratitude. Prayerfully provide space for them to share their story…

Don’t ask, “Who is my neighbor?” Ask, “Whose neighbor am I?”