Project Description

Jesus sets his face toward Jerusalem

How is your soul faring through the journey of Lent? Is it lighter? Is there more room to receive the wonder of life Easter-resurrection brings?

Our travels have taught us that Jesus came to redeem the whole of what it means to be human, delivering heaven into the breath and bone of everyday life.

We learned that he came to demonstrate and declare His good news over our minds, our emotions and our actions. Our once-for-all redemption and the ongoing process of being redeemed finds our capacities for Christ-exalting compassion resurrected and expanding.

Join Jesus as he prepares to turn the final Lenten corner towards Easter.

Read: Jesus sets his face toward Jerusalem

Tonight, make space to turn your face with Jesus toward Jerusalem. What do you see when the holy city is set before you? What does the remainder of your Lenten journey look like? Prayerfully invite the Spirit to pinpoint anything that needs to be addressed or removed.