Project Description
Today marks Day 2 of the Lenton season, your journey of preparation for the celebration of Easter continues…
Historically, faithful observers of Lent have chosen to fast or forgo certain luxuries so they could better identify with the humility of Jesus their Servant-King. As we engage spiritual disciplines of sacrifice through fasting we become more like Jesus in his sacrifice.
As you forfeit through fasting your soul is formed.
For many of you, the challenge to fast this Lent may be a new experience. Rest assured, the challenge is really invitation towards life.
As you enter today prayerfully ask the Spirit, “What would you have me fast to be formed this Lent?”
reflect > REPENT…
Jesus, compelled by the Spirit into the desert finds himself joined by a weary travel companion… you. Your wilderness road is littered with the debris of sin, the going is heavy and slow. Each piece blocks your path and prevents you from experiencing the freedom you were designed to enjoy with God.
Again, prayerfully identify each sin, name them, deliberately pick them up and place them at the feet of Jesus. In repentance, turn from them and continue on your path through the desert towards Easter.