Project Description

Lenten joy expands.

Like leaven, as we sacrificially and habitually seek to rest in the completed work of Christ we’ll find the borders of joy systematically marched back until the whole of our heart, soul, strength and mind is consumed. This is the abundant life Jesus demonstrated and declared, this is the life overflowing that he has given to you.

But the expansion of kingdom joy does not have to stop there… its borders continue their march outward consuming people, places and things as you give yourself away.

An expanding joy is a shared joy!

Make no mistake, there is no middle ground… kingdom joy is either growing or shrinking. Do you want more?

Invite the Spirit to bring to mind at least one person that you could share your personal story of rest with. When they come to mind pray for them, pray that the Spirit would cause them to increase and abound in love. Ask the Spirit to reveal any connections between your story of rest and their story of unrest. Carry that person in prayer with you as you move throughout your day.


reflect > repent > receive > rest > REQUEST…

Time drifts, you find your heart strengthened and your joy expanded. Slowly… you become aware of Jesus’ changing demeanor, his posture shifting to become more active, as if he’s carrying a heavy load.

You notice he’s speaking aloud as you begin to recognize specific names, families, cities and people groups.  Jesus was praying for them by name. With each passing person his volume increased, love dripping like sweat with every syllable.

In earnest you join in, your thoughts intermittently drifting between people and your growing pangs of hunger. Yet Jesus, ever persistent, encourages you to press on.

He finishes your time of prayer with a declaration of unshakable hope – ‘Thank you Spirit for going before us to prepare a people of joy.’ As you walk down the mountain in lock-step he embraces an ancient tune of gratitude, a shared song of loyal love, faithful through the end.


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