Project Description
Today we recount.
This marks the final step in our weekly Lenten rhythm as we continue to prepare our hearts for the celebration of Easter.
In order to fully embrace our vocation as ‘sent ones’ we must actually say things… out loud. And we’re not talking about the powerless parroting of pre-scripted spiritual principals. We’re talking about the robust recounting of a personal experience where Jesus has resurrected a portion of our lives.
Can you truly love someone without inviting them to share your deepest joys?
In the faithful and faith-filled act of retelling your story, you humbly invite the restless to become participants in and enjoyers of your Kingdom rest.
As you travel through your day, scatter the living water of your story like seed trusting that the Spirit has gone before in work to prepare good soil.
reflect > repent > receive > rest > request > rehearse > RECOUNT
You and a rag-tag crew emerged from the desert to follow Jesus around the Sea of Galilee as he demonstrates and declares the good news of the Kingdom of God.
‘So what are we doing today Teacher?’ the group inquires…
Jesus dryly replies, ‘We?… we are not doing anything. You… are going to do and say what you have tasted and seen. Go to the restless people we labored in prayer over and recount your story of rest.’
With equal parts fear and anticipation you faithfully set out in obedience.