Project Description

As we walk the Lenten halls of Jesus’ humanity we discover the Artisan of reason, Logos himself – the Creator come as logician.

Like Jesus, as a divine image bearer your reasoned ability to rightly grasp the truth and beauty of God is fundamental to your humanity. As you increasingly think right thoughts about God you more fully reflect His greatness onto people, places and things.

Mind is God’s gift, let us not treat it as a four letter word.

Your mind is a treasure, cultivate it. With intention, expend blood, sweat and tears to till the ground of your intellect. Prayerfully wait in patience for God to cause growth, and with great gratitude receive the harvest that will bring resurrection life to many.


reflect > repent > RECEIVE > rest > request > rehearse > recount

Where Adam’s mind fractured in the fall, Jesus’ mind raised radiant and whole. Where our intellect darkens in depravity, Jesus’ burns brilliant and true.

Through our own devices we fell headlong into the hands of the deceiver and off the path into the chaos of falsehood and death.

Right thinking paves the Lenten journey towards Easter… and with each reasoned and righteous step towards the cross, Christ breathes new life into our minds.

The right thoughts have already been reasoned on our behalf, we need only receive them as the gift they are. This afternoon, create space to invite to the Spirit to teach you, lean on Him to guide you as you learn to walk on Jesus’ journey of Lent.


Read More: Jesus the Artisan of reason