Project Description

No matter how much we till the dirt of our minds, unanswered questions and doubts remain…

Tragically, doubt is often perceived as a foe and not a friend. Sincere doubts, questions or confusion are not enemies to be bullied, beaten or banished. Make no mistake, unbelief is our great adversary.

Fan the flames of doubt… with belief.

Our believing doubt inspires us seek and see new vistas of truth. And perched atop these summits we find our belief larger, emboldened and more human as we drink in the glories of God’s truth.

Like Jesus, Paul, Augustine and countless more after them, we believe that we may understand. For without belief we have no hope of making ultimate sense of the world around us.

So with great humility, courage and belief – question your questions, doubt your doubts and think your thoughts.


reflect > repent > receive > REST > request > rehearse > recount

Our fractured minds, having received the reason of Christ, are in the process of reformation. In once sense we already have, and yet in another sense we fail to fully possess the mind of Christ.

Our mental restoration is complete and completing.

The dust and discomfort of any life-long reconstruction project is unnerving. Having to stare at decades-long doubt as we detour, bumper-to-bumper, on our daily commutes is enough to drive anyone mad. We know deep down these doubts don’t belong. But we also know that we possess no power to dislodge them.

Today, I invite you to make time to name your doubts and dysfunctional patterns of thought. Write them down, say them out loud, have a conversation with someone. Feel their weight leave you as you rest in in the hands of the Artisan of reason, the One who is lovingly committed, chisel blow by chisel blow, to complete his good work.


Read More: Jesus cares for the doubter