Project Description

Now that we have embraced the Lenten rest of Jesus’ reason, our thoughts expand outward.

While doubt may not be our foe, it is often used in the hands of skilled enemies to attack and isolate us from one another, making us more vulnerable to unbelief. As we struggle in guilt carrying doubt alone, we feel less and less known by those around us, and less and less free to invite others to help in our need.

Alone, doubt breaks. In believing community, doubt builds.

In isolation doubt causes us to descend the mountain range of God’s truth. And with each step downward, the inverted atmosphere thinning, we find our humanity slipping away.

Doubting together hastens the ascent. As we belay one another ever higher, through technical routes and overhangs, we feel more fully ourselves – strong, light and free.


reflect > repent > receive > rest > REQUEST > rehearse > recount

Today, I invite you to prayerfully assess your sphere of influence.

Who around you, in the neighborhood, at work, at sports parks or pubs, is struggling with doubt and isolation? Intercede for each of them…

Ask the Spirit to love and teach them. Ask that they would be filled with belief, so they can find the courage to face their doubt in the context of loving community.


Read More: Jesus give evidence to a doubter