Project Description
Today we are one step closer to the summit celebration of Easter.
On the 14th day of our Lenten journey we recount God’s faithfulness to draw us up out of doubt and onto new believing vistas of truth and beauty. From these new heights of faith we discover ourselves stronger and desiring to partner with God in raising others to new life.
Do you want ‘more’ in your mental relationship with God? Do you want to enjoy increasingly ballasted belief? Do you want to experience evidence of God’s resurrection reality?
Gather your resolve, say a prayer and lower your line.
As we set our thoughts to engage the work God has invited us to share, we find our minds resurrected, reformed and renewed.
reflect > repent > receive > rest > request > rehearse > RECOUNT
Today’s Lenten challenge, our invitation towards life, is to share our story of doubt-turned-belief.
As you sit down with someone over a meal, preferably one of the people you have been praying for over the last couple of days, share your story of mental rest. When they ask the customary, ‘how are you?’ your reply can simply be – ‘I’m just really grateful…’ and then begin your story.
Resist the urge to analyze your statements as you say them or to meassure the outcome of the conversation. Trust in the two-day Spirit-empowered process of request and rehearsal. At this point…
Sharing is success!
When we share our personal stories of doubt-overcome our loved-listeners often return the favor by trusting us with their own journey of doubt. If this happens, enter into their story. Don’t give quick answers or try to solve… just listen and actively depend on the Spirit to guide you.