Project Description

REFLECT > repent > receive > rest > request > rehearse > recount

How is your soul fairing through the journey of Lent? Is it lighter? Is there more room to receive the wonder of life Easter-resurrection brings?
Our travels have taught us that Jesus came to redeem the whole of what it means to be human, delivering heaven into the breath and bone of everyday life. We learned that he came to demonstrate and declare the good news of the creative human mind on fire for the glory of God.
Our next Lenten rhythm shifts focus to feelings, the emotions that simultaneously delight and despair us. The deep wells that move humanity to engage in the most divine and devilish of quests.
Jesus’ emotions are the just and true reflecting pool for the quality and depth of our own emotions.
This afternoon/evening, step into the margin of Lent and gaze into the full spectrum of emotion Jesus expressed during his life and ministry. Prayerfully ask the Spirit to reveal how your emotions reveal or obscure the beauty of Jesus.