Project Description

The elevation of emotions into the unquestioned and sacred space reserved only for great-grandparents and God has run roughshod over our humanity.
Disney agrees, hand-over-fist…
This unchecked urge to ‘let it go’ in pursuit of whatever ‘feels right’ has stretched human beings to the horizon in every direction and left us feeling paper-thin.
Emotionalism robs. Emotion renews.
If the high EQ (think IQ but for emotions) of Jesus’ life and ministry has taught us anything it’s that his emotions are deeply beautiful precisely because they are in proportion to real things… beautiful things, ugly things, broken-being-made-whole things.
On the contrary, the indulgence of emotionalism feels feelings that are disproportionate to reality.
When the size of emotion is larger or smaller then the reality felt, our feelings, elevated to a position of truth-teller, declare what is real or unreal in opposition to God’s created order. And in attempting to become something we are not, the sovereign truth-teller, we fundamentally deny our humanity and discover ourselves becoming less and less human.

reflect > REPENT > receive > rest > request > rehearse > recount

In light of Jesus’ emotional depth and beauty, survey the landscape of feeling in your life.
In what ways does your humanity reflect the mountainous joy and compassion of Jesus? In step with Jesus, is your heart deeply grieved by the distorted realities of sin and injustice? Or has something lesser captivated your heart?
Express gratitude for the Jesus-reflecting mountains of emotion in your life, they are God-given gifts grown by the Spirit to make you more fully human. Confess ways in which your emotions attempt to distort reality. Ask the Spirit to cause you to increase and abound in love, feeling in proportion to reality, loving what is lovely and repenting of what is repulsive.