Project Description

reflect > repent > receive > rest > REQUEST > rehearse > recount

Lenten rest reaches outward in reconciliation. As we rightly relate to reality with our feelings we build bridges of emotional renewal for others. By nature, we increasingly invite those around us out of their isolation of emotionalism and into the vibrant colors of deeply emotional relationship… with us.
Does your life show increasing patterns of emotional us’ness… Gone are the days of us ‘or’ them, ‘or’ has been swallowed up with death on the cross. In our present Easter reality there is only us ‘for’ them.
Jesus-reflecting emotion reaches out in reconciliation.
Tonight, take stock… who in your life is restlessly reaching out for emotional renewal? Prayerfully ask the Spirit to reveal how your story of emotional rest in Jesus intersects their story of restlessness. As they come to mind, pray for each person by name. And with the same deep emotion Jesus demonstrated in righteous love for you, intercede for them – that they would enter into the eternal emotional intimacy that the triune Godhead of the universe so freely and fully shares… to make – us.