Project Description
reflect > repent > receive > rest > request > rehearse > RECOUNT
Morning falls upon us fast and heavy. The sunrise carrying with it a host of competing desires, agendas, anxieties and relationships… each vying for center stage. Sadly, our divided affections often overflow into the distracted and dissatisfied worship of God – we love too much what deserves little, and love too little what deserves much.
Oh, that the Spirit would cause the right-sizing of our affections, that they would truly be in proportion to our present reality in Jesus.
Today we recount a story from our feeling journey toward Christ conformed emotions. How our too-big anger, lust, fear and envy are shrinking and our too-small compassion, joy, hope and love are growing. How we’re moving away from disproportionate and indulgent emotionalism toward right-sized and real human emotion.
As you sit down with someone over a meal, preferably one of the people you have been praying for over the last couple of days, share your rehearsed story of emotional rest. When they ask the customary, ‘how are you?’ your reply can simply be – ‘I’m just really grateful, lately I’ve just been experiencing more peace… ‘ and then begin your story.
Remember, sharing is success!
When we share our personal stories of right-sizing affections our loved-listeners often return the favor by trusting us with their own feeling journey. If this happens, enter into their story. Don’t give quick answers or try to solve… just listen and actively depend on the Spirit to guide you.