Project Description

REFLECT > repent > receive > rest > request > rehearse > recount

Halfway through the journey, our Lenten road lies less cluttered. With debris and distraction cleared from our minds and hearts let us now step into action. Set your face towards Jerusalem. With intention, place one foot in front of the other to enlarge your view of Easter’s vaulting heights.

Our next Lenten rhythm shifts focus to our will, the outward behaviors that betray the weight of beauty (or lack thereof… sigh) within.

With the certainty of the sunrise, Jesus’ mind and emotion compelled him to meaningful human action.

This afternoon/evening, reflect on the meaning-filled actions of Jesus. How did the most mentally and emotionally intelligent person ever behave? Prayerfully ask the Spirit to reveal how your actions reveal or obscure the beauty of Jesus.

Read More: Christ’s example of humility


I’m indebted to Dr. Thaddeus Williams for his beautiful treatment of Jesus’ humanity. For more, check out his book – REFLECT: Becoming Yourself by Mirroring the Greatest Person in History