Project Description
reflect > REPENT > receive > rest > request > rehearse > recount
Unified in heart and mind Jesus actively stepped in to reconcile, redeem and restore.
When he stepped into the division, decay and disorder of the people, places and things surrounding him the viral spread of sin stopped dead in its tracks. Wonderfully, miraculously, instead of being consumed, Jesus swallows sin whole… and with the curse reversed, his holiness begins to spread like wildfire.
As we follow in the ways of Jesus we become more and more fully the human beings we were created to be – our mind, emotion and will increasingly unified in love for God and others.
Perhaps a survey of your life doesn’t leave you feeling deeply that something has gone terribly wrong. Perhaps you haven’t been able to make the cognitive connections to understand how the Kingdom of God is coming in and through your life. More likely, if you’re like me, your mind is pulling you in one direction and your heart the other. The net result? You do nothing.
Tonight, repent of the ways your fractured humanity has left you passive to the effects of sin in and around your life. Ask the Spirit to reveal specific ways you can actively and habitually embody the wholeness of Jesus’ human beauty.