Project Description

reflect > repent > receive > REST > request > rehearse > recount

Today, the 25th day of Lent, finds our minds, hearts and actions unified and resting in the humanity of Jesus. No amount of personal activity, accomplishment or acclaim could warrant the deep and abiding peace Christ has so freely given to us.
But if Jesus has freely given us peace, why is it so hard to find abiding rest in the day-to-day rhythms of life? Why are my habits of being so far removed from His habitual holiness? And if our character is the sum of our habits, what hope have we to be conformed to Christ’s contours of human beauty?
Rest in Him – Jesus is wholly committed to making your habits holy…
As you move through your Saturday, intentionally choose not to engage a productive activity that you had planned for the day. Instead, rest in the reassuring reality that Jesus is wholly committed to making your habits holy.